Full visibility on your expenditure and earnings through our analytics.
Spendora consolidates then categorizes all your transactions, and provide advance insights into your spending behaviour.
Easily keep track of how much you spend on an experience i.e., vacation, special events etc.
Create a Recurring account to store transactions
Key-in individual transactions as they occur
Split expense amount with others
Get advance insights into your spending behaviour
Stay on track within budget set
Stay up-to-date with your cash flow
Cancel hidden & unwanted recurring subscriptions
Cut back on expenses in high spend categories
Make informed decisions about your finances
Create an Experience account to store transactions
Key-in individual transactions as they occur
Split expense amount with others
Convert foreign currency with live exchange rate
Track how much you spend in this Experience
Know how much you’re owed or owe by others
Stay on track within budget set
Categorize each transaction to understand your spending pattern and cash flow health
Monitor and get insights into your overall expenses and earnings
Track shared finances with partner, friends or family. Know how much you’re owned or owe to settle up
Create unlimited budgets and be notified when you spend above threshold to help stay on track
Track foreign transactions in your home currency with live exchange rates
Try it free and access all the essentials to jump-start your financial journey
* Shared accounts are used for sharing transactions with others
Unlock PREMIUM to access tons of extra features to supercharge your financial success
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